Friday, July 13, 2012

Thinking Ahead?

Yesterday, an interesting thought crossed my mind. It is as simple as just enjoying where we are. We have all heard the saying "Find joy in the journey" However, last night I was talking to some friends and I saw it in a different light.  Maybe, I was just understanding it for the first time in a way that was more applicable to me. In human nature, we take a stepping stone and then we are just waiting to get to the next one. We are so anxious to take it with running strides. It's great to always be progressing but you really do need to stop and smell the flowers. I was spending some time with a friend who is recently dating someone. She really likes him and everyone was asking her about when they were going to be exclusive, then when they were going to kiss, then when they were going to be engaged. She was somewhat shocked with the questions and excitement. She laughed and said "we're dating and it's a lot of fun. Things will happen if and when they need to happen but I'm not going to rush it." Of course that's a logical and smart way for her to be thinking. However, for some reason when I heard that, it hit me hard. Enjoy where you are. Things are always going to be changing and unfolding with time. You will never be able to be in this moment again. Ever. So instead of wishing or jumping ahead of yourself; simply enjoy the path that got you where you are and enjoy the stone you're standing on. The next stepping stone always comes too soon, and you can never return. Every moment is fleeting.

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